Sunday, October 18, 2015

Brainwashing and Police Propaganda claim of riot at 2011Stanley Cup Vancouver.

Brainwashing pages 30-31 of Thomas P. Keenan book Techno Creep states police beat up 14 year old teenagers  after the cup and set up a web site asking the public for help in tracking down other people said to participate in the so called riots  A website called to track the 325 involved.
It would be easy to confuse an environmentalist group of protesters with the so called rioters.
Also after every soccer match in England claims of soccer hooligans going on a rampage and police riot specialists needing to be deployed are made.The Riot Act was first implemented in 19th century England to support English Imperialism and The Metropolitan police were used.The distinctive helmets called Bobby Helmets were what Imperialist Riot Police used.The author describes how the Canadian Automobile Insurance Company I.C.B.C complies with requests of Vancouver Police to supply information on vehicles the rioters owned.Rioters would not be using vehicles.The information would be used to determine damages done to vehicles but that assumes there was a riot at all which is unlikely.Other creepy things to note are on page 27 mention of an aristocratic place called Lord and Taylor at755 Boyleston Street in Boston U.S.A. No such place should exist after 1776 and the war of Independance.