Saturday, November 26, 2011

Extinction forces troops bronze age to21st century

sokkai gakkai has concern that Extinction Forces troops from bronze age to 21st century have agenda to make humanity extinct. this can be seen as another individual with concern gwen dyer in the book war put it the destructiveness of war has increased. with the mapping of he mid at the site and expressed desire to use that for buisiness reasons can be seen the exinction forces agenda .brainwashing and redisigning thought processes of humanity would explain destructiveness . forexample the drilling for oil was result of brain washing as is the corporate structure driving the extinction forces agenda .perhaps the intent is to replace with another life form the tape worm orsome other type of parasite

The internationale uniting world, sokka and japan from 1700's to 1945

song of the internationale about reason thunering in revolt rising aup and breaking your chains no longer deluded into inaction resonates with sokka in that happiness of humanity sought. in particular the line arise ye prisoners of want arise ye servile masses. the internationale does go further in saying that soldiers will take strike action . it is significant that the strike action n part of soldiers during the 1930's-45 war and the idea of happiness of humanity was not on the minds of the military of u.s.a. when they bombed nagasaki and hiroshima or the lotus sutra .there is a persistant ignorance regardig eastern culture a racism on part of u.s.a.
though daisaku ikda hopes u.s.a. becomes locus of sokka i think the u.s. military might not take strike action before too late. a strike being refusing to fight.touble is the meaning has shifted now to mean omething else.